Tuesday, August 20, 2013

In Kashmir, angry youth flirt with armed militancy

SRINAGAR, India (Reuters) - Ishfaq first threw a rock at an Indian policeman
 six years ago. Now he's thinking about arming himself with a gun.
The 21-year-old is the human face of a trend that is worrying security sources, 
politicians and a rights group spoken to by Reuters - the revival of violent 
anti-Indian sentiment among the Kashmir Valley population just as New Delhi 
fears a renewed onslaught from Pakistan-based militants.
Ishfaq and his friends were among thousands who took to the streets across the 
Muslim-majority Himalayan state following the July 18 killing of four men by 
Indian border police during a day of protests against an alleged desecration of the Koran.
Three weeks on, hiding from police in a crowded bazaar of the lakeside city of Srinagar, 
Ishfaq said several years of unarmed struggle against India's rule had been met only 
with violence."If the same situation persists, the day is not far away when we go
 back to the gun," said Ishfaq, who asked for his second name to be withheld. 
"We cannot fight without weapons."Rising attacks on security forces and evidence
 that more young people are slipping into the grasp of armed militants risk undoing 
years of security gains in Indian-controlled Kashmir.
The timing could not be worse for India.
A looming general election has prompted accusations that some politicians are
 manipulating the instability. Meanwhile, intelligence sources say militant groups
 may turn their fire on India again when Western troops leave Afghanistan next year.
"People generally feel pushed to the wall here," said Khurram Parvez, an activist
 with rights group the Jammu and Kashmir Coalition for Civil Society whose
 grandfather was shot dead by security forces at a protest. His own leg was blown 
off by a militant bomb in 2004."In the last three or four years they have tried to
 criminalise protesters and curb public speaking. Unfortunately this pressure and 
violence from the state is starting a new sense among people where violence is 
getting legitimised."That is certainly the view of Ishfaq, who spoke to Reuters in
 a room gruesomely decorated with photos of victims of alleged torture at the hands 
of Indian security forces.With separatist leaders frequently under house arrest 
and banned from public speaking, and no sign of dialogue that could lead to a political 
solution, he feels betrayed by India."We are on the threshold, we cannot bear it, we
 cannot tolerate it any more," he said.
Last summer was the most peaceful in the disputed South Asian region since an
 armed insurgency exploded in 1989 as Soviet troops withdrew from Afghanistan.
Ashok Prasad, the chief of police in the state of Jammu and Kashmir, said the 
number of attacks by militants was actually down this year.But the fall in the
 number of attacks disguises a sharp rise in the number of fatalities. Eight soldiers
 died in a single brazen ambush on an army truck in heavily defended Srinagar 
the day before Prime Minister Manmohan Singh visited in June.
According to the South Asia Terrorism Portal, which tracks the violence,
 42 members of the security forces have been killed so far this year, up from 
just 17 in all of 2012.That reverses a decade-long trend in which fatalities
 fell annually as militants laid down arms and protests and riots replaced 
bullets and bombs.The violence coincides with an upswing in tension along 
the Line of Control (LoC) that divides Kashmir between India and Pakistan,
 who have been quarrelling over the region they both claim in full since freedom
 from British colonial rule in 1947.Tit-for-tat artillery exchanges regularly 
rattle the de facto border. Two weeks of shelling between India and Pakistan has
 followed an ambush that killed five Indian soldiers on August 6.
Pakistan denied any involvement in that ambush. But Indian security officials 
suggest a new wave of Pakistan-based Islamist guerrillas are trying to cross the
 LoC, part of a shift in focus to India ahead of the withdrawal of U.S. troops
 from Afghanistan next year that some feel has echoes of 1989.
The foreign fighters bring weapons and inspiration, but they can only flourish 
with local support. There are signs that support is growing.
"Anyone who comes across, we welcome them," said Ishfaq.
Jammu and Kashmir's Chief Minister Omar Abdullah in June said the numbers
 of people joining the militancy was still extremely low, but conceded that a 
trend of young, educated youth joining the ranks of militants was "a serious concern".
Several factors are blamed for this creeping radicalisation. One security source 
pointed to the growing popularity of more conservative strains of Islam and to
 high unemployment. Many Kashmiris simply feel India has not made enough 
concessions despite several years of peace, making normal life difficult.
Widely despised laws protecting security forces from trial are still in place, 
access to simple technology such as text messaging is limited and the heavy 
military and police presence in the state has not been lifted.
Though the latest violence is small compared with the worst years of the insurgency, 
when thousands died in fighting annually, some Kashmir politicians warn that, 
left unchecked, the situation could quickly get out of hand.
"In 1989 there was almost no violence, but it exploded into a full insurgency 
within a year," said Yasin Malik, a former militant who now leads a political
 movement calling for a Kashmiri nation independent of both India and Pakistan, 
which polls show is what most people in the Kashmir Valleywant.
Some trace the latest uptick in violence to the execution in February of Afzal Guru, 
a Kashmiri convicted of a 2001 attack on India's parliament. Fearful of a backlash,
 the Indian government imposed a week-long blanket curfew across the state 
immediately after Guru was hung, infuriating much of the population.
Others look further back. Parvez, the rights activist, says police shootings that 
killed more than 100 young protesters in 2010 and a campaign of arbitrary detention, 
documented by Amnesty International, both helped radicalise opinion.
A security source with close knowledge of anti-militancy operations met Reuters 
on a wooden bridge across the Jhelum river that runs to Pakistan. He said some of 
the anger directed at the police was justified because of rights abuses.
"There is a deepening of radicalisation and a slight increase in recruitment of locals,
" the source said, adding that he feared next year's election would be fertile ground
 for violence from militants seeking to undermine the vote.
Ishfaq and his friends, already halfway to going underground, say they are in no 
mood to back down."We are hopeful a day will come when there will be results and 
until there we will keep fighting. We want independence from both India and Pakistan "
he said.

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